Avatars in the Mahabharata

List of beings in the Mahabharata and their avataras

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The following is a list of the avataras of the epic Mahabharata, and their original devatas (deities) and others.

Character Deity
Ashvatthama Portions of Shiva, Kama, Krodha and Yama
Abhimanyu Varchasa
Arjuna A Portion of Indra, rebirth of sage Nara (a portion of Vishnu)
Amitaujasa Ketumana
Balarama Shesha
Bahlika One of the Krodhavasas
Bhadra Lakshmi
Bhagadatta Bashkala
Bhanumati Dhrukti
Bhima Vayu
Bhishma Prabhasa
Brihadratha Sukshma
Bhurishravas One of the Rudras
Chandravarma Chandra
Chitrangada Shachi
Chitrasena Khara
Dantavakra Vijaya
Danda and Dandadhara Krodhahantri and Krodhavardana
Darada Surya
Damayanti Ahuka
Devaki Aditi
Dhrishtadyumna Agni
Dhenuka Khara
Dhristaketu Anuhalada
Dhritarashtra Hansa
Dirghaprajna Vrishaparvana
Draupadi Shachi
Drona Brihaspati
Drupada One of the Maruts
Duhsala Kuhu
Duryodhana Kalipurusha
Dushasana Indrajita
Ekalavya One of the Krodhavasas
Gandhari Mati
Ghatotkacha Nirrti
Hanuman Portions of Vayu and Shiva
Iravana Mangala
Jarasandha Viprachitti
Jambavan Brahma
Jambavati Lakshmi
Jara Vali
Jayadratha Jambha
Jayatsena One of the Kalakeyas
Kalindi Yamuna
Kamsa Kalanemi
Karna A portion of Surya, rebirth of Sahasrakavacha
Kratha Rahu and Ketu
Kripacharya Portions of Brahma, one of the Rudras and one of the Maruts
Kripi Tara
Krishna Vishnu
Kritavarma One of the Maruts
Kshema One of the Krodhavasas
Kshemadhurti One of the Krodhavasas
Kunti Siddhi
Lakshmana Lakshmi
Madri Dhriti
Manimana Vritra
Mauravi Ahilavati
Mitravinda Ganga
Nakula Ashvins
Nagnajita Ishupada
Nagnajiti Lakshmi
Nala Ahuka
Nanda Kashyapa
Nila One of the Krodhavasas
Parashurama Vishnu
Paundraka Vasudeva Vena
Pradyumna Kamadeva
Revati Nagalakshmi
Rohini Aditi
Rukmi One of the Krodhavasas
Rukmini Lakshmi
Rochamana Ashvagriva
Sahadeva One of the Ashvins
Samba Kartikeya
Samudrasena One of the Kalakeyas
Satyabhama Prithvi
Satyaki One of the Maruts
Satyavati Acchoda
Savitri and Satyavan Dattatreya and Gayatri
Senabindu Tuhunda
Shalva Ajaka
Shalya Sahalada
Shakuni Dvapara
Shantanu Mahabhisha
Shikhandi Amba
Shishupala Jaya
8 Sons of Ganga and Shantanu Vasus
Sreniman One of the Kalakeyas
Srutayudha Varuna
Subala A Disciple of Prahlada
Subahu Trishira
Sunaka Chandrahantri
Sulochana Ahiravana
Ugrasena Svarbhanu
Ulupi Maya
Upapandavas 5 Vishvedevas
Upachitrana Subahu
Uttamaujasa and Yudhamanyu Amsha and Aryaman
Vasudeva Kashyapa
Vidura Yama
Virata One of the Maruts
Vindhyavasini Parvati
Vikarna Atikaya
Vyasa Vishnu
Yashoda Aditi
Yudhishthira Yama
5 Kekaya brothers Ashvashira, Ayashira, Ayashanka, Gaganamurdha, Vegavana
Other wives of Krishna Various other Apsaras


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