Deletion–contraction formula

Formula in graph theory

In graph theory, a deletion-contraction formula / recursion is any formula of the following recursive form:

f ( G ) = f ( G e ) + f ( G / e ) . {\displaystyle f(G)=f(G\setminus e)+f(G/e).}

Here G is a graph, f is a function on graphs, e is any edge of G, G \ e denotes edge deletion, and G / e denotes contraction. Tutte refers to such a function as a W-function.[1] The formula is sometimes referred to as the fundamental reduction theorem.[2] In this article we abbreviate to DC.

R. M. Foster had already observed that the chromatic polynomial is one such function, and Tutte began to discover more, including a function f = t(G) counting the number of spanning trees of a graph (also see Kirchhoff's theorem). It was later found that the flow polynomial is yet another; and soon Tutte discovered an entire class of functions called Tutte polynomials (originally referred to as dichromates) that satisfy DC.[1]


Spanning trees

The number of spanning trees t ( G ) {\displaystyle t(G)} satisfies DC.[3]

Proof. t ( G e ) {\displaystyle t(G\setminus e)} denotes the number of spanning trees not including e, whereas t ( G / e ) {\displaystyle t(G/e)} the number including e. To see the second, if T is a spanning tree of G then contracting e produces another spanning tree of G / e {\displaystyle G/e} . Conversely, if we have a spanning tree T of G / e {\displaystyle G/e} , then expanding the edge e gives two disconnected trees; adding e connects the two and gives a spanning tree of G.

Chromatic polynomials

The chromatic polynomial χ G ( k ) {\displaystyle \chi _{G}(k)} counting the number of k-colorings of G does not satisfy DC, but a slightly modified formula (which can be made equivalent):[1]

χ G ( k ) = χ G e ( k ) χ G / e ( k ) . {\displaystyle \chi _{G}(k)=\chi _{G-e}(k)-\chi _{G/e}(k).}

Proof. If e = uv, then a k-coloring of G is the same as a k-coloring of G \ e where u and v have different colors. There are χ G e ( k ) {\displaystyle \chi _{G\setminus e}(k)} total G \ e colorings. We need now subtract the ones where u and v are colored similarly. But such colorings correspond to the k-colorings of χ G / e ( k ) {\displaystyle \chi _{G/e}(k)} where u and v are merged.

This above property can be used to show that the chromatic polynomial χ G ( k ) {\displaystyle \chi _{G}(k)} is indeed a polynomial in k. We can do this via induction on the number of edges and noting that in the base case where there are no edges, there are k | V ( G ) | {\displaystyle k^{|V(G)|}} possible colorings (which is a polynomial in k).

Deletion-contraction algorithm

See also


  1. ^ a b c Tutte, W.T. (January 2004). "Graph-polynomials". Advances in Applied Mathematics. 32 (1–2): 5–9. doi:10.1016/S0196-8858(03)00041-1.
  2. ^ Dong, Koh & Teo (2005)
  3. ^ "Deletion-contraction and chromatic polynomials" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 May 2019.

Works cited

  • Dong, F M; Koh, K M; Teo, K L (June 2005). Chromatic Polynomials and Chromaticity of Graphs. World Scientific. doi:10.1142/5814. ISBN 978-981-256-317-0.